A New Generalized Modified Weibull Distribution

  • Morad Alizadeh
  • Muhammad Nauman Khan
  • Mahdi Rasekhi
  • G.G Hamedani
Keywords: Odd log-logistic distribution, modified Weibull distribution, moment, simulation study, maximum likelihood estimation


We introduce a new distribution, so called A new generalized modified Weibull (NGMW) distribution. Various structural properties of the distribution are obtained in terms of Meijer's $G$--function, such as moments, moment generating function, conditional moments, mean deviations, order statistics and maximum likelihood estimators. The distribution exhibits a wide range of shapes with varying skewness and assumes all possible forms of hazard rate function. The NGMW distribution along with other distributions are fitted to two sets of data, arising in hydrology and in reliability. It is shown that the proposed distribution has a superior performance among the compared distributions as evidenced via goodness--of--fit tests


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How to Cite
Alizadeh, M., Muhammad Nauman Khan, Mahdi Rasekhi, & G.G Hamedani. (2021). A New Generalized Modified Weibull Distribution. Statistics, Optimization & Information Computing, 9(1), 17-34. https://doi.org/10.19139/soic-2310-5070-1014
Research Articles