A Metaheuristic for Fuzzy Density Based SVM and Confidence SMOTE for Early Prediction of Diabetes


  • Asma Driouich Engineering, Mathematicals and Informatiques laboratory, Faculty of Sciences, uiz, Agadir, Morocco
  • ABDELLATIF EL OUISSARI LaR2A Laboratory, Faculty of Sciences, Abdelmalek Essaadi University, Tetouan, Morocco
  • Karim EL MOUTAOUAKIL Engineering Science Laboratory (LSI), Polydisplinary Faculty of Taza,USMBA, Morocco
  • Ismail Akharraz Engineering, Mathematicals and Informatiques laboratory, Faculty of Sciences, uiz, Agadir, Morocco
Keywords: DB-Support vector machine, Class Imbalance, Classification, Diabet, Machine learning


Diabetes is a chronic disease that affects millions of people worldwide. In this work, we propose a confident version of the density-based support vector machine for early detection of diabetes. The proposed method, called SMOTE Density Based Support Vector Machine (SDB-SVM), considers unbalanced data sets. First, we clean the diabetes datasets using DBSVM which has a high ability to detect harmful samples. Then, we call SMOTE to balance the datasets based on the confidence of each synthetic point. DBSVM allows SMOTE to produce synthetic data that is plausible to the minority class data. We test the proposed system on several unbalanced diabetes datasets such as PIMA and Germany datasets. In this sense, we compare our method with well-known classifiers. The experimental results show the superiority and efficiency of the proposed algorithm.


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How to Cite
Driouich, A., EL OUISSARI, A., EL MOUTAOUAKIL, K., & Akharraz, I. (2024). A Metaheuristic for Fuzzy Density Based SVM and Confidence SMOTE for Early Prediction of Diabetes. Statistics, Optimization & Information Computing. https://doi.org/10.19139/soic-2310-5070-1348
Research Articles