Some directs numerical methods for solving the nonlinear optimal control problem practical in aeronautic

  • Mohamed Aliane Laboratoty LaMA, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Medea, Algeria
  • Nacima Moussouni 1. Faculty of Medicine, University Ammar Telidji of Laghouat, Algeria. 2. Laboratoty L2CSP of University Mouloud Mammeri Tizi Ouzou, Algeria
Keywords: Optimal Control, Euler discretization, Rung kutta method, active-set method, aerodynamic


In this study, we have implemented direct numerical methods to convert the continuous optimal control problem into a nonlinear optimization problem. We used three discretization techniques: the Euler method, the second-order Runge-Kutta method, and the fourth-order Runge-Kutta method. Subsequently, the resulting non-linear optimization problem was solved using MATLAB's fmincon function. To evaluate the efficiency and accuracy of the proposed approach, we modeled a nonlinear optimal control problem relevant to aeronautics. Our objective was to minimize the travel time of a rocket from an initial point to a final point at a specified altitude, considering aerodynamic forces and gravity, with the control variable being the rocket's heel angle. To compare the different methods, we developed a MATLAB implementation and showcased various simulation results.
How to Cite
Aliane, M., & Moussouni, N. (2024). Some directs numerical methods for solving the nonlinear optimal control problem practical in aeronautic. Statistics, Optimization & Information Computing, 13(2), 877-890.
Research Articles