Some Estimation Approaches of Intensities for a Two Stage Open Queueing Network

  • Suresh B Pathare Indira College of Commerce and Science, Pune ,India
  • Vinayak K Gedam Department of Statistics, University of Pune, Pune-41107


In this paper we propose a consistent and asymptotically normal estimator (CAN) for intensity parameters for a queueing network with distribution-free inter-arrival and service times. Using this estimator and its estimated variance, some asymptotic confidence interval of intensities are constructed. Exact- t, Bootstrap-t, Variance-stabilized bootstrap-t, Standard bootstrap, Bayesian bootstrap, Percentile bootstrap and Bias-corrected and accelerated bootstrap are also applied to develop the confidence intervals of intensities.  A comparative analysis is conducted to demonstrate performances of the confidence intervals of intensities for a queueing network with short run.


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How to Cite
Pathare, S. B., & Gedam, V. K. (2014). Some Estimation Approaches of Intensities for a Two Stage Open Queueing Network. Statistics, Optimization & Information Computing, 2(1), 33-46.
Research Articles