On Size Biased Kumaraswamy Distribution

  • Dreamlee Sharma Department of Statistics North-Eastern Hill University Shillong, Meghalaya India
  • Tapan Kumar Chakrabarty Department of Statistics North-Eastern Hill University Shillong, Meghalaya India
Keywords: Kumaraswamy distribution, size-biased distribution, quantile function, regularized beta function.


In this paper, we introduce and study the size-biased form of Kumaraswamy distribution. The Kumaraswamy distribution which has drawn considerable attention in hydrology and related areas was proposed by Kumarswamy. The new distribution is derived under sizebiased probability of sampling taking the weights as the variate values. Various distributional and characterizing properties of the model are studied. The methods of maximum likelihood and matching quantiles estimation are employed to estimate the parameters of the proposed model. Finally, we apply the proposed model to simulated and real data sets.

Author Biography

Tapan Kumar Chakrabarty, Department of Statistics North-Eastern Hill University Shillong, Meghalaya India
Associate Professor.Department of StatisticsNorth-Eastern Hill UniversityShillong, MeghalayaIndia


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How to Cite
Sharma, D., & Chakrabarty, T. K. (2016). On Size Biased Kumaraswamy Distribution. Statistics, Optimization & Information Computing, 4(3), 252-264. https://doi.org/10.19139/soic.v4i3.217
Research Articles