On The Packing k-Coloring of Some Family Trees

  • Arika Indah Kristiana Universitas Jember
  • Sri Moeliyana Citra Universitas Jember
  • Dafik Universitas Jember
  • Ridho Alfarisi Universitas Jember
  • Robiatul Adawiyah Universitas Jember
Keywords: packing coloring, tree graph


All graphs in this paper are simple and connected. Let $G=(V,E)$ be a graph where $V(G)$ is nonempty of vertex set of $G$ and $E(G)$ is possibly empty set of unordered pairs of elements of $V(G)$. The distance from $u$ to $v$ in $G$ is the length of a shortest path joining them, denoted by $d(u,v)$. For some positive integer $k$, a function $ c:V(G)\rightarrow \{1,2,...k\} $ is called packing $k-$coloring if any two not adjacent vertices $u$ and $v$, $c(u)=c(v)=i$ and $d(u,v)\geq i+1$. The minimum number $k$ such that the graph $G$ has a packing $k-$coloring is called the packing chromatic number, denoted by $\chi_\rho(G) $. In this paper, we investigate the packing chromatic number of some family trees, namely centipede, firecracker, broom, double star and banana tree graphs.
How to Cite
Kristiana, A. I., Citra, S. M., Dafik, Alfarisi, R., & Adawiyah, R. (2024). On The Packing k-Coloring of Some Family Trees. Statistics, Optimization & Information Computing, 13(3), 1291-1298. https://doi.org/10.19139/soic-2310-5070-2047
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