Optimizing the Arrangement of Goods in Box Van Using the Tabu Search Algorithm

  • Kiswara Agung Santoso University of Jember
  • Inas Mustafidatul Ilmiyah University of Jember
  • Agustina Pradjaningsih University of Jember
Keywords: Tabu Search Algoritm, Arrangement of Goods, Optimization, Van Box


A country's economic progress can be seen from the industrial sector's contribution to its economic growth. Transportation plays an important role in the distribution of products to consumers, where the smooth flow of goods can reduce costs and optimize company profits. Distribution problems often occur due to the arrangement of goods that is not optimal, thereby increasing costs and labor. Optimizing the placement of goods in expedition vans has not been widely studied until now. Therefore, the tabu search algorithm is needed to optimize the arrangement of goods(items). The Tabu Search algorithm is a metaheuristic algorithm that aims to find the optimal solution from various possible solutions. In this study, all goods sent were packaged in cubes or blocks and the vehicles used to send them were also in boxes. This article's essence is arranging goods (packed in boxes) into a van so that it has maximum contents. This research also discusses how to place items if the item cannot be reversed (fragile) along with the visualization.


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How to Cite
Santoso, K. A., Ilmiyah, I. M., & Pradjaningsih, A. (2024). Optimizing the Arrangement of Goods in Box Van Using the Tabu Search Algorithm. Statistics, Optimization & Information Computing. https://doi.org/10.19139/soic-2310-5070-2151
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