Time Series Components Separation Based on Singular Spectral Analysis Visualization: an HJ-biplot Method Application

Keywords: Singular Spectrum Analysis, NIPALS algorithm, Biplots


The extraction of essential features of any real-valued time series is crucial for exploring, modeling and producing, for example, forecasts. Taking advantage of the representation of a time series data by its trajectory matrix of Hankel constructed using Singular Spectrum Analysis, as well as of its decomposition through Principal Component Analysis via Partial Least Squares, we implement a graphical display employing the biplot methodology. A diversity of types of biplots can be constructed depending on the two matrices considered in the factorization of the trajectory matrix. In this work, we discuss the called HJ-biplot which yields a simultaneous representation of both rows and columns of the matrix with maximum quality. Interpretation of this type of biplot on Hankel related trajectory matrices is discussed from a real-world data set.


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How to Cite
Oliveira da Silva, A., & Freitas, A. (2020). Time Series Components Separation Based on Singular Spectral Analysis Visualization: an HJ-biplot Method Application. Statistics, Optimization & Information Computing, 8(2), 346-358. https://doi.org/10.19139/soic-2310-5070-897
Research Articles